Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Deja Vue Robert clears first hurdle (or is the 50th I lost count)

Robert made it through surgery with flying colors. Dr. Oxford said he removed approximately 40 lymph nodes on the right side. He removed all the lymph nodes on the left last year during Robert's first neck dissection. They are testing the lymph nodes to determine how many were cancerous. We will have the results early next week. Dr. Oxford is recommending chemo and radiation again, but it will be up to the radiation Dr. if Robert can have more radiation. Dr. Oxford said this type of cancer has such a high return rate that we need to fight this with all we can. Robert was in surgery for 3 hours and in recovery for 3 hours. They were having trouble managing his pain and you can tell why by the look of these pictures. No I did not find the old photos and re-post them. Cassie said Robert's neck will now be symmetrical. Dr. Oxford said Robert will be here in the hospital for 2 to 3 days. He will have lots of time to read all your comments. Thanks to Mimi and PaPa, Sandi, Mick and Morgan, Julie and Jillian for all your support, I can not tell you how much Cassie appreciate you and this day would have been ALOT longer without you being here.

Judy and Robert

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Hope the Easter bunny visited each and every one. Wanted to update everyone on Robert. Robert had the biopsy last Wednesday, Dr. Oxford told us that the preliminary report is that the cancer is not on Roberts tongue. Dr. Oxford should get the final report Monday. If it still shows no cancer in the tongue then Robert will have surgery Wednesday to have to cancer in his neck removed. If the final tests come back that there is cancer in the tongue then the whole game plan will change. We are not sure about chemo and radiation yet. We will know more after the surgery Wednesday. Robert will have to be in the hospital a couple of days. Robert complains his throat is really sore from the biopsy and the tube they stuck down his throat, so he is not looking forward to surgery again so soon. Please continue to keep him in your prayers and thanks again for your support. Also, my mother (Rhea) is going to have to have surgery also in the near future to go in and clean out her veins and arteries. We will also find out Wednesday what and when she will be facing. So please keep her in your prayers also. O'k I am almost done, one more we have a cousin (Greg Baine) in Iraq, please pray for him and every soldier over there and their families. O'k that should do it for now. Thank you again, and please let me know if there is anyone you need me to add to my special prayer list.
Hope you all have a great week. We will post again as soon as we know something different.

Judy and Robert

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Headed back to Baylor!!

We went to Dallas at Baylor Friday to my E.N.T. Dr. and did my head, neck, chest x-ray. We got the results back Monday around 5:00 p.m. Dr. Oxford said everything was clear except for the 2 knots that I found earlier on my right side of my neck. They were positive for cancer. I found a spot on my tongue in the back and he was concerned with that, so he wanted a biopsy of it and also on the back side at the base of my tongue. He told us that I would have to be put to sleep to do this procedure, so I am scheduled for surgery Wednesday March 18, 2008 at 11:30. Please pray for Judy & me that the biopsy will come back negative! Once this is done he said he would schedule my neck surgery for the following week to remove the lymph nodes on that side regarding my biopsy on my tongue came back negative. I thank each & every one of you for your love, prayers, cards, phone calls that you have given us. I am so thankful for my Doctors that God has given me. I know that God is not going to let me down now so I keep going on with HIS strength each day!! It has been 14 months since my first surgery and I am just now getting my strength back from that so I will be going into this surgery almost at full strength.

We would like to send out a special thank you to our preacher Harold and his wife Pat and our church family at Lakeside Christian. Thank you so much for making us feel like part of the family from the first day we visited. Your special prayer Sunday and your donation mean more to us than we can ever express.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Trying times again for the Goodners'!!

Well here we are again! As most of you have heard Robert had 2 knots come up on the right side of his neck, (the opposite side from last year) a couple of weeks ago. Robert went to his ENT (Dr. Oxford) and he took 2 biopsies. We got the results back today that they were cancer. Dr. Oxford has scheduled a couple of tests for this Friday. These test will determine if the cancer is centralized to just the lymph nodes or if the cancer has spread to other areas. We are asking for all your prayers again. Robert and I know there is no way we could have made it thru last year without your prayers and thoughts. We are updating the blog again and will be reading your wishes and support to get us through this trying time again.
Robert and Judy