Robert finished his first round of chemo. Initially they said he only had to do this twice, but now since the 2 new spots showed up on the PET they are talking about a third treatment. I really hope he does not have to have the third treatment. This first round was really bad for him. He was so dehydrated by the time we got to the cancer clinic he could barely walk or even talk. After several attempts the chemo nurse finally got an iv going and his color was back in his cheeks in about an hour. The chemo Dr. has ordered hydration for Robert every Mon. Wed. and Fri. now until he can get this nausea under control. That will be really good for him. The chemo drugs can cause kidney damage so they are not taking any chances. He always feel so much better after he gets hydration. Robert not only has the nausea to deal with now he has thrush in his mouth. They have put him on so many new drugs. It is so hard keeping them straight. He is taking steroids, and sleeping pills because the steroids keep him awake. 3 types of nausea meds. One is Kytril which is $126.00 for 9 pills with our insurance. Thanks to Sandi and Mick, maybe Robert will not have to suffer as much. They are paying for his nausea meds. Do I have a great family or what? They said Robert will probably have the side effects for a couple more weeks and then the next treatment will be in 3 weeks, so it looks like he should have 1 one week without nausea, of course that's when the radiation people said the radiation will start kicking his butt. Does this sound like a nightmare? Well let me tell you it is. After all this there are still no guarantees, and like the last chemo he received there is a chance he could get cancer from the chemo drugs. Yes indeed a really bad nightmare. Are you kidding me? O'k I am rambling now so I better sign off. Thanks for reading my ramblings and will keep you posted.
Love to all,