Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial day!  Thanks to all those that serve and protect our nation. God Bless!

Robert's surgery has been scheduled for Monday, June 4th.  We will update the blog throughout the surgery and his recovery.  Thanks so much for your prayers and words of encouragement, it means everything to us.

Robert and Judy      

Monday, May 21, 2012

Blogging Again!

Update - May 21, 2012 

Hello to all our dear friends and family. Unfortunately I have an update on Robert, which means he is having health problems again. I am sorry that the only time we are updating the blog is when we have bad news to report. 

 Robert has been working full time since he returned to work after the third battle with cancer. He has had regular ct scans every 3 months since June 2011. The last scan on March 30th, 2012 showed some issues in the colon area and also in the prostrate area. His neck and chest are clear. Dr. Nadler, Robert’s oncologist recommended he get a colonoscopy and also see an urologist for the prostrate issue. 

Robert had his check up with Dr. Oxford (ENT) and Dr. Potter (Oral Plastic Surgeon) Thursday, April 26th. Robert has had a lot of pain due to his left jaw bone deteriorating from all the radiation. Dr. Potter took X-Rays and saw that there was quite a bit of deterioration from the last X-Rays taken 3 months earlier. Dr. Potter told Robert that he must have surgery now to remove the dead bone, which will be a jaw replacement surgery. Dr. Potter gave Robert 2 options for him to think about, and to see him again in a couple of weeks. Dr. Potter needed to consult with the ENT for the best course of action. The follow-up consultation was scheduled for May 17th. 

Robert had a colonoscopy on a Monday, April 22nd and Dr. Balasakran found a polyp and removed it and told us he did not think it was cancer but sent it to pathology and we would get results in about a week. 

Robert has had problems swallowing, and he had surgery scheduled Wednesday, April 25th with Dr. Burdick to stretch his throat. The surgery helped with his swallowing a little, but not much improvement. Dr. Burdick said he was able to stretch the throat as much as he was able to the year prior. 

In the mean time, Robert was to see an Urologist, Dr. Ann-Hong Tran, Dr. Nadler’s wife, the next day Thursday, April 26th she examined Robert and from the report of the CT scan felt like she needed to scope the bladder, all the prostrate tests were normal. She performed the test in her office and she discovered a polyp on Robert’s bladder. The test was very painful and she said she could not remove the polyp with Robert being in such pain, so she stopped and scheduled him to come in the following Tuesday, May1st, for a biopsy. 

 As you can imagine we were very worried at this point, such a coincidence 2 doctors found polyps. 

Monday, Dr. Balasakran called to let us know that the polyp he removed from the colon was cancer. He recommended surgery to remove part of the colon. We told him Robert had to be in Dallas the next morning and we would get with his Oncologist and go from there. 

We were very concerned about the biopsy scheduled the next morning with Dr. Tran. 

We called Dr. Nadler and informed him of the colon cancer and were told to come in Wednesday, May 2nd, morning and also he wanted Robert to go see Dr. Roberto Rodriguez. Robert’s biopsy went very well; Dr. Tran assured us that she did not think it was going to be anything to worry about; there were no characteristic signs of cancer. 

Wednesday, May 2nd, we went in to see Dr. Nadler and he told Robert with the cancer Robert had before that this was just going to be a chip shot, he would have part of his colon removed and in 2 weeks would not have to think about this again. 

We left there and met Dr. Roberto Rodriguez, he said since the report did not show him exactly where the polyp was that he needed to go back in and see if he could find where Dr. Balasakran removed the polyp before it healed over and he wanted to do an ultra sound to see if the cancer was in any lymph nodes. So another surgery was scheduled for Monday and another colon prep. 

Monday, May 7th we go to Dallas and Robert has the surgery with Rodriquez, it was difficult for him to find the area, but he eventually did. We then left to have a bite to eat, while having breakfast we received a call from Dr. Tran and the biopsy from the bladder was benign, Praise the Lord for our answered prayers. 

After breakfast we had to be in Dr. Rodriguez’s office for the ultra sound, which was more extensive then we thought it would be, Sandi and I were able to be in the room with him for that, and let’s just say, Robert is a trooper. The ultra sound did not show any signs of cancer in the lymph nodes and Dr. Rodriguez said he believed that the cancer was only in the polyp, but to be 100% sure he needed to go in and remove tissue from around the polyp. Yes another surgical procedure scheduled Monday, May 14th and yes colon prep for Robert. If you’re counting that is 3 in just over 2 weeks. Robert has lost quite a bit of weight lately, I believe due to the stress on his body from the jaw bone pain he is in constantly. 

We left Sunday, Mother’s Day and went to Cedar Creek to spend the night for the Monday, May 14th surgery. The surgery to remove the tissue was no problem at all. The complications were trying to get an air way on Robert. We told the anesthesiologists about the complications from all the scar tissue in Robert’s neck. It just so happened, his ENT was doing surgery the same morning so he was able to consult with the anesthesiologists on the best course of action to obtain an air way. They felt that they should not intubate as you would normally, but had to put a rather large tube up his nose. That was the most painful for Robert in recovery. 

We stayed at Cedar Creek until the appointment with Dr. Potter Thursday to determine what could be done regarding the jaw bone. 

Thursday – May 17th, - Dr. Potter has informed us what he has decided will be the best way to go: he will go in remove the dead jaw bone and insert a piece of metal, Dr. Oxford will also be assisting in the all day surgery and he will then try to find blood vessels in Robert’s neck to tie into. If he can find good blood flow, they will remove bone from Robert’s hip and pack the bone in the metal plate and then they will remove a vein out of Robert’s arm, from the wrist up to the middle of his arm and wrap the metal plate with the vein and then tie into the blood vessels. If Dr. Oxford can not find good blood vessels then they will not remove the vein and Robert will just have the metal plate. The risks from the surgery are: more bone deterioration will occur, the metal plate could break and the highest risk is that when they go back in Robert’s neck it will create more scar tissue and he will not be able to swallow at all. He has a really hard time swallowing right now as it is. Robert told Dr. Potter, go ahead and schedule the surgery that he could not live with the pain anymore. Surgery is being scheduled. Robert has to do another CT scan before the surgery, which we are hoping will be week of the 21st. 

 Friday – May 18th, - Dr. Rodriguez’s assistant called and said that no malignancy was found in the colon tissue, more answered prayers, thank you Jesus, You are gracious! Robert will not have to do any radiation or chemo, and they will just keep eye on him. 

 O.k., I know all this is over whelming and we know that God answers prayers, so we want to tell you what are specific prayer requests are: 

Our heavenly Father, please be with the gifted surgeons as they perform this difficult surgery, please let the surgery be a success. We ask that the surgeons find good blood flow and are able to tie the vein and give Robert a chance to build new bone and to be pain free for the first time in over two years. We ask you Father to please let Robert still have the ability to swallow as he heals. We thank you for your son, who died on that cross that horrible day for us and the forgiveness of our sins. In your name, Amen 

 We will keep you posted as we move through these very difficult times, and we will be posting our specific prayer requests as they change from day to day. Thanks so much for prayers.  Robert and Judy