Sunday, February 18, 2007

Prayer's for Healing

February 18, 2007

We are home from spending the weekend at Sandi and Mick’s. Sandi thank you so much for taking care of Robert for me Saturday while I went to Dallas with Lisa Garvin and Lisa Wood. I can not tell you how nice it was to get out and spend the time with friends. I did not know how much I needed to get out until I did. Thank you so much for taking me to PF Changs. Man I love that restaurant. I had the lettuce wraps for dinner tonight. Yum Yum.. O.k. enough about me. When we got up Saturday morning Robert was not feeling well, and it has just gotten worse from there. He went and visited with friends in Canton and then went to see his brothers Billy and Larry. When he got back to Mick and Sandi’s he was exhausted. He now has sores on the inside of his mouth and on his tongue. He can not eat anything right now, so I made my first liquid meal for him to put in his feeding tube. I gave him ham, steamed carrots and cabbage with V8 Juice and water to liquefy. I am sure that sounds as nasty to ya’ll as it does to me, but he can not taste it anyway. Well he said the V8 made him sick to his stomach so I failed at my first liquid meal, but I promise Robert’s loved ones, I will keep trying and so far am refraining from grabbing the Drano. Robert has probably not said more than 20 words today. What he has said was “this is hell”!! Robert is losing his positive attitude, so I am asking friends and loved ones to encourage him with your special words and remember him in your prayers. He really needs it right now. This has been a tough day for him, but we see the radiation doctor tomorrow so hopefully he will give Robert something for the pain from the sores in his mouth. Thanks again to all.

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