Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Headed back to Baylor!!

We went to Dallas at Baylor Friday to my E.N.T. Dr. and did my head, neck, chest x-ray. We got the results back Monday around 5:00 p.m. Dr. Oxford said everything was clear except for the 2 knots that I found earlier on my right side of my neck. They were positive for cancer. I found a spot on my tongue in the back and he was concerned with that, so he wanted a biopsy of it and also on the back side at the base of my tongue. He told us that I would have to be put to sleep to do this procedure, so I am scheduled for surgery Wednesday March 18, 2008 at 11:30. Please pray for Judy & me that the biopsy will come back negative! Once this is done he said he would schedule my neck surgery for the following week to remove the lymph nodes on that side regarding my biopsy on my tongue came back negative. I thank each & every one of you for your love, prayers, cards, phone calls that you have given us. I am so thankful for my Doctors that God has given me. I know that God is not going to let me down now so I keep going on with HIS strength each day!! It has been 14 months since my first surgery and I am just now getting my strength back from that so I will be going into this surgery almost at full strength.

We would like to send out a special thank you to our preacher Harold and his wife Pat and our church family at Lakeside Christian. Thank you so much for making us feel like part of the family from the first day we visited. Your special prayer Sunday and your donation mean more to us than we can ever express.


JasonW said...

Robert and Judy,
Hello from Jason and Sandy in Florida! We know God will help you through these tough times. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Come out and visit when you are feeling better!

Much Love,
j and s

Anonymous said...

I am anxious to hear that surgery went well! I am thinking of you both and many prayers go out for you! You did it once, you can do it again!
Love you both -
Tammy Jo