Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mid Week Report!

Not much to report yet. Robert's surgery for the medi-port is scheduled Friday. He will have his PET/CT scan Monday and then if all goes well with the scan he will start Chemo Tuesday. He has been staying busy this week with getting his truck cleaned out. I have a list of chores to keep him busy. My dad is coming Friday and should be here by the time we get home. We are anxious for him to get here. Maybe him and Robert can work on my list together. We'll see... Hope everyone has a good week.


lgarvin said...

If you need help with the list-that is William's specialty. Love you and miss you!
Lisa G

Anonymous said...

Love ya too Gabbin! Did you serve up all the ice cream? If you wanna get out of the house tomorrow, you can meet us in Dallas. We have to be at Park Central Surgical center at 11:30. I told Lisa Wood I might try to see her..