Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No news WAS good news!

Well we are blogging again, which means we have bad news to report. Robert for the last couple of months has been feeling lousy. In April he had to do 20 Hyperbaric treatments to promote good blood flow for when he had 2 back teeth pulled. Treatments did what they were suppose to, when they pulled the teeth he had good blow flow and the Doctor says it is healing as best as it can. Due to all the radiation to Robert's face and neck his jaw bone has been deteriorating, so the roots of his back teeth did not have anything to hold on to. He has had to see his Oral surgeon a few times after surgery for more procedures due to the jaw bone still splintering.

Now to present day, as I said he has been feeling pretty lousy the last couple of months. The weather has gotten to him so he decided to take a vacation this week. We met with his ENT last Friday for a check up and we informed him of some of the symptoms Robert was experiencing. He has been coughing up blood, weight loss and wheezing. He told Robert everything looked good down his throat, prescribed antibiotics and an inhaler and told us to follow up with his primary doctor. So we set up an apt.

Robert went to Canton Monday to visit Coley and his brothers. When Robert was in Tyler yesterday morning meeting Coley, he began to cough up alot of blood, so he went to the ER at ETMC and they said the blood was coming from the lungs and they needed to scope him. The scope showed a tumor on his left lung, they did a biopsy, but from the looks of it they say it is most probably cancer. The doctor advised Robert to get in to his Oncologist as soon as possible, which is what we are gonna do. We have an appointment at Baylor today for our first opinion of treatment and then will follow up with Robert's oncologist in Paris. The only thing Robert says he needs right now is prayers! Will update again after our visit today.

On a good note, since we have not blogged in a while, just wanted to let everyone know Cassie has opened up her own office and working on her PHD. We are so proud of her and and you can check out her website:


lgarvin said...

Glad you're using the blog again. Thinking of you and praying for you both. Love you guys!

Unknown said...

I am praying for you both. Love you more than you know! Please contact me if you want to talk.