Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Walking on the Beach one day to possibly be admitted to the Hospital the next!


Robert and I decided to run down to Port Aransas with our dear friend Lisa for a few days before the Chemo started taking its toll. We left Saturday and just got home this evening. We had a good trip, it was so nice to just kick back on the beach. Robert was pretty weak and his appetite was almost null, but he was able to just rest, and I had the company of my best friend.

Robert noticed Sunday that he started getting thrush on his tongue. I called the doctor's office Monday morning for them to prescribe something. We loaded up and headed to the beach, when we got everything set up I went back into town to pick up Robert's prescription. While I was gone a school of Dolphin were swimming just a few feet from Robert and Lisa. They were so excited, neither thought about grabbing a camera, so unfortunately for you and me we missed it.

Also Sunday morning when Robert got up he was covered in a rash. Dr. Nadler had told us to expect it and that if he did get a rash that meant the chemo was working. The rash is very annoying for Robert, but he can deal with it and a welcome sight for us.

Robert started getting weaker and Lisa started missing her grand baby, so we decided to come home Tuesday. By then the thrush was in full force and the medicine was not helping. Robert could not drink or eat anything Tuesday, so dehydration set in. On the road home we were trying to get the doctor's office to call in some medicine that would numb his mouth long enough to get some fluids down, but it did not work out so we spent the night with Mother and Benny and were at Baylor first thing this morning. Thrush is a side effect of the chemo, so they will have to stay on top of it for the next round of chemo. Robert lost 12 lbs since last Wednesday. He is 6'3" and weighing in at a 170 lbs. Dr. Nadler is very concerned with Robert's fluid intake and nutrition. He told Robert today that he may end up having to have a feeding tube. Robert has said all along, he will not do that again. Dr. Nadler's response to that was, "he was not in the business of killing people, cancer does that and at this point he was killing Robert". If Robert does not show a big improvement in the next couple of days he will hospitalize him to get him over this hump. Our prayers are that this medicine Robert has now helps get rid of the thrush and numbs his mouth so he can get fluids and nutrition on his own.

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